Here's lil Miss at 16 weeks in 3D/4D
The woman we saw said she got the "Most Active Baby Award" that she's had in weeks..She had a hard time getting shots but I love them. We went early on to see the gender so the really cool 3D/4D shots you can get would be a lot better if we waited 'til 24-32 weeks or even longer.. But I kinda like the idea of still being surprised once she comes.. So far the woman said she looks like she has daddy's nose and his deep set eyes.. :) I was just a lil curious why her head was so lumpy but I guess that's normal.
Our girl |
Kinda creepy lol but look at that smile! |
She was doing this a lot.. Maybe she didn't want to hear us? |
Hard to see- but confirmation lil Miss has 'Girlie Parts' |
We can't wait until our next ultra sound in a couple weeks. Every chance I get to see her I love.
XoXo Rachel
how fun and exciting!! did you go somewhere besides your dr. to do this?
it's so exciting to see them in an u/s
Isn't it the coolest thing ever??? I love going to get sonograms. Wait until she is bigger...then you will freak...I am so excited for you!!!! Enjoy every moment!!
eeeekkk! That is seriously so exciting. I can't wait to see more. Congratulations!
amanda @ we and serendipity
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