A little late but I wanted to still capture our 4th of July weekend in Lake Tahoe.
This mama takes 1 too many pictures there can never be too many and I need to show them off, dang it!
Usually every year (except the past 2 years) my MIL gets a house for about a week and my husband’s side all goes up.
Well this year was sorta last minute and we were only able to get a condo (which wasn’t the nicest but it worked!).

We went up Friday (so this year on the 4th) got there about 1pm. Since we were the first to check in we went to the grocery store first since we knew the stores would be packed. Our plan since was to obvi BBQ. What else do you do on the 4th of July?
Here’s my contribution..Fun and healthy, right?! Ok minus the cake.. I had to give options..

I had just gotten done with my 10day cleanse and was down 7lbs so I wasn’t going into vacation looking to splurge.. It’s always 80/20 people.. Don’t expect me to never indulge though! That’s why I bring my Carb Ease!
It kinda was a little off this year though with the 4th being on Friday and that’s when we drove up. The holiday felt a little rushed since we just I guess celebrated with everyone with dinner (instead of I guess usually all day..) Kenzie and I though had lots of red, white and blue outfit changes though!

Someone was getting really cranky..and then she was PTFO.

I knew she wouldn’t make it to the fireworks! Bummer
We were a little lazy and didn’t feel like dealing with the crowds so we just stayed and hoped we’d still be able to see the fireworks from the house.

I was excited though because my brother in law just recently started dating this new girl and we’ve done a couple lake days with them but this was the first vacation. I really like her! And was excited to be able to have a buddy! I was, well.. still am really great friends with his ex so it was a little strange to not have her there during some of the first get togethers. We see family a lot and do many get togethers with both sides of our families so I was really hoping I’d like her as much as I do. They left early Sunday morning (like before we even woke up!) so Saturday was really our only day with everyone.. It was beautiful weather all weekend so Saturday we packed everything up and walked to the beach.
But first, that morning while we waited for Bob to get home from what we thought was fishing.. him and my brother in law snuck off to the casino. We enjoyed some donut holes and took a walk/ride in the new wagon she got for her birthday.

Sunday we woke up to no Nick and Tiffany, but it was my niece’s 15th birthday!
For the day, us girls wanted to do a day of shopping and get Hailey some birthday presents.
In South Lake, there’s not that much shopping but my MIL and I love to hit up the Ross and shoe store, and they finally got a TJ MAXX.. I know I know.. same stores we have at home but for some reason we always get so excited and find so much stuff at that damn ross..
Afterwards we met up with Bob at the casino and went up to the buffett for Hailey’s birthday lunch.

That night just our little family took off for a quick bite.. We thought it’d be a quick bite but our fav spot Sno Flake drive in closed early for the night so we ended up going to Chevy’s.

^the best shot I got of the lake, at sunset..
Monday morning we decided to just wake up and go.. we stopped along the way at one of the stream spots.. Love this picture too bad K just woke up and is a little out of it.

We had such a great time! Like always, can’t wait to go back! Maybe this time just a Mommy/Daddy trip alone. Yep. Much needed.