I have been constantly bitching about how "I hate being pregnant", "I'm so not looking forward to this summer because I will be miserable".

And the most random but seriously... How much I'm so bummed that I have to wait so long to be able to take all my favorite Advocare products again... I will be so grateful if I'm able to nurse babygirl #2 as long as I did the first time. And then you bet i'll be ready for a challenge afterwards!
I posted that a couple days ago and was telling a friend how much it sucks.. then I realized.. I need to get out of this mind set! I have friends right now that are really struggling on getting pregnant with just their first!
Who cares that I'll be uncomfortable this summer. I am having another child! I started to feel her kick a couple weeks ago... it's the best feeling ever. Who cares that I feel bloated now and just look a little thicker.. I'm so lucky to be having a healthy pregnancy.
Sure I'm always tired.. Well duh, being pregnant is already tiring and now I'm trying to keep up with a toddler from sun up to sun down mostly on my own. The nice thing about this pregnancy compared to the last, it's already going by pretty quick. Already a little over 4 months down.. 5 more to go! This summer just means K needs to get signed up for swim lessons because girlfriend and I will most likely be living in the pool!
I can't wait to spend her 2nd birthday with her this summer, and watch her grow even more and really have fun in the sun! My little booger. I love her so. I can't wait to give her a little sister. <3

Way to stay positive! But man, pregnancy is hard! Your hormones really mess with you and your emotions so don't feel bad about not enjoying it...just be careful who you say you aren't enjoying it too ;) ha ha Hang in there mama! You're doing great!
You have every right to have your moments!! But it is important to stay positive. Enjoy the time with Kenz because holy cow, will you have your hands full--in a good way!! :) I can't wait to see your cute bump grow, rock this pregnancy mama!!
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