I don’t know what it was.. I really don’t think I was suffering from some minor Post Partum depression.. but…I just really didn’t want to get out and mingle with anyone really, besides family.. I know it kinda sounds like it right? I just kinda wanted to figure this whole Baby thing out or being a mom thing out in my space where I was comfortable. We definitely got out of the house.. a lot.. like everyday we still went somewhere…shopping or on walks to my parent’s house..
Once I got more comfortable with her and our schedules (or really lack there of).. It became something fun to do.
Being invited to playdates before was intimidating.. I felt like she was still too young to play with other kids and I wasn’t going to have much in common with the other moms.. Sure they coulda gave me all their advice which would have been awesome but it was still scary to me.
Now funny thing.. I’m one of the admin for a Mom Group haha.. Yep I’m that mom. The fun Event Planner!
Pumpkin patch, bounce house par ks, Mom’s Night Out.. Sign me up! I’m all for em now and am making great friends!
Have any other mama’s gone through this? I’m sure I’m not the only one.. I loved becoming a mom and it definitely didn’t feel too crazy but I can admit it just didn’t come natural I think. Now.. after 15 mos, still learning but I got this in the bag.. C’mon #2!
I'm so jealous!! I wish I had you to hang out with here! I am till not into the whole mom group thing, but I'm hoping that all these activities we are doing will make us new friends. Pumpkin patch will be so fun!!
My little one is 18 months and I still find playdates so intimidating :( It's lovely that you and your little one are getting out and mingling :)
It was very brave of you to step outside of your comfort zone despite your reservations! And it's great that you can now organize events that will hopefully encourage other moms that end up in your shoes to participate. Have so much fun with your babies!
Looks like so much fun! I like to take my little one on playdates too, if even just to get us out of the house for a bit.
I'm glad you got out of your comfort zone. There are many days where I don't feel like hanging out with anyone - but after I do, I feel so great to have such good friends. Especially since I'm brand new to the area, let alone the USA - I need to go out and meet new people.
I think there's a time and a season to everything, so staying in or going out is totally your call! Yay for social interaction for baby and mommy!
Aww that sounds fun! Glad you are enjoying being a mom :)
I have three boys 5-1, I have NEVER been on a playdate. We live a very,very structured life, even now with school in the mix. I just don't have the time to go on playdates and we don't know anyone here, just got here to FL in June from WA. Seriously... I NEED playdates in my life. lol I am a prisoner to being a WAHM, and people tell me all the time how lucky I am for all of my free time.
very cute :)
I was like you after I first had my daughter. I'm glad you're getting out more now, though.
There are no playdates here. I would have loved them when my son was little. you make them sound a lot of fun :)
So cute! I love the playdates!
glad you are starting to enjoy your playdates, I'm sure they will be amazing experience for both of you in the long term
Oh my gosh, she is so beautiful! Looks like you have so much fun together too!
Katie <3
I'm really looking forward to playdates and groups with my baby. I guess they can be quire intimidating at times though.
How cute! Playdates are always fun :)
YAY! Playdates are the best!!!! ^_^ Such cutie pies!
Fun! Yes it's hard to step out with little one's and make that first step, but so worth it in the end.
Honestly, I get it. I'm 39 weeks with my first and I feel like I'll just want to stay home and get adjusted with my baby on my own time than rushing into playdates. Glad to hear that you're putting yourself out there now though! It's good to have company with other grown ups and moms of kids the same age as yours - they can relate!
Oh my goodness. These pictures are so precious. Way to get out there, it really is tough at first.
So cute! It looks like you're having a really great time.
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