Size of the Baby: She is the size of a papaya, almost a foot long and 12-20 oz!
Maternity Clothes: Took advantage of my sisters discount with Old Navy. Ordered some maxi skirts and I'm getting set for this Spring/Summer!
Stretch Marks: Nope, and just heard from my mom that she didn't really develop any stretch marks with any of us.. so we shall see!
Weight gain: +11lbs total so far. And I just read that starting now babygirl will start doubling her weight gain..
Sleep: This week has sucked sleep wise. I'm just never comfortable. Constantly waking up to adjust or I have a dog that rolled behind me.. I swear they're tiny but take up so much space.
Best Moment of the Week: Starting her baby quilt. I'll do a post on that soon!
Movement: So much movement. I constantly feel her all day long.
Food Cravings: Nothing this week really. Although the new thing I've noticed is everytime I eat any meat I get heart burn now.
Gender: lil Princess!
Belly Button In or Out: Stretchin out more and more
Anything making you queasy or sick?: Nope
What I miss: Just miss being able to not have to worry about everything you can't or shouldn't have while prego.
What I'm looking forward to: Tax money coming so I can start the nursery! Is it weird that i'm most looking forward to going to the fabric store as my first stop after that check comes?!
Nursery: Starting to pick up lil things here and there. Like a rug and this egg thing someone at work recommended I get. It determines the temp of the Baby's room and will let you know by changing colors whether it's too warm or cold. Cool right?

You look great. That little egg thi is pretty cool. Are you doing a theme for nursery?
You are looking great Mama! And how awesome that your mom didn't get any! You may be in the clear lady! I'm genetically prone :/ but am hoping I scrape by!
We have this egg and it's amazing! So convenient! Looking great mama!!!
Hello :) I'm a new follower. Not even sure how I landed on your blog, but I love it.
Also, you have an adorable bump. Seriously.
xo Ami
a champagne dream
You look gorgeous!! How have I not been following you?? Since we "know" each other so well on IG, I am excited to read along here too!
You look fabulous - what an adorable baby bump. I can imagine how difficult it is to try and keep track of what you can/can't eat. Good luck!
Hope you had a great weekend!
The Hartungs Blog
So stinkin cute! Hooray for Old Navy maxi skirts! Old Navy was a major go to for me when I was pregnant. I love these cute little updates. Looking forward to reading them in the future :)
Enjoy your day!
♥ Talia
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