Size of the Baby: She is the size of a butternut squash or a large banana, about 7" long and 10 oz!
Maternity Clothes: Yes, finally stocked up on a few tops and found the most amazing jeans! I'll probly still wear these babies even after baby!
Stretch Marks: Nope
Weight gain: +7lbs total so far
Sleep: Still sleeping sitting up, everytime I try to lie on my side I just get uncomfortable..
Best Moment of the Week: Feeling my lil peanut toss and turn and kick away and having my mom get the chance to feel her too
Movement: Yes and she loves fruit!! Everytime I eat something fruity she starts kicking
Food Cravings: Actually nothing really this week..
Gender: lil Princess!
Belly Button In or Out: Still an innie but that outie's comin soon!
Anything making you queasy or sick?: Nothing
What I miss: Sandwiches! Or just being able to eat salami or pastrami.. yumm
What I'm looking forward to: Our appt this week.. one last peek at my angel
Nursery: Getting the paint hopefully next week! Can't wait to share when it's done!
p.s. Reminder for my girls that signed up for the Valentine's Swap- today's the mail out day! If you're running a lil late- no biggie just send your partna a note letting em know!

XoXo Rachel
You're such a cute pregnant woman!
You look so great!!!! Happy halfway to meeting your girl!
You look SOOOOOO good girl!!!
you are so cute!! when did you start feeling her move? I can't wait for that!!!
Eeeek! You are ADORABLE pregnant. You look so good!
amanda @ we and serendipity
you look great mama!
so so cute! such a fun time :) can't wait to see the nursery! xo
That's about how big I was at 20 weeks too!! Love it!
You look so good.
HI. I'm Laney. I'm new to your blog. I found your id on another blogger. here's my id: http://laneyg02.blogspot.com/ i look forward to hearing from you. i'm wanting new and more blogger friends and those that will give feed back b/c i lack both.
I'm glad i stopped by today. congrats on the pregnancy and good luck with things.
i hate i'm too late for the valentines day swap. i always love exchanging things and receiving things by mail. it's always fun.
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