How far along: 24 weeks today! 6 MONTHS!
Size of the Baby: She is the size of a cantaloupe, about a foot long and 1.5lbs!
Maternity Clothes: Yes and yes, but I'm done with buying maternity clothes. I actually stocked up on a bunch of regular maxi skirts that I can still wear now and especially still after baby. Like this one and this one.. Question though for all you girls.. what colored top do I wear with this black one? I'm so thrown off cuz it has the red and tan in it..
Stretch Marks: Nope not yet- but the big thing with my skin the past couple weeks- I'm super itchy! Everywhere, but mostly in areas where my skin is thinner, and I'm breaking out in hives when I itch. Anyone familiar with this? I don't know what it is.. I keep hearing well it's your skin stretching ya di ya da.. but the worst place it itches are my elbows! Now I know I can't get stretch marks on my elbows!
Weight gain: +11lbs total so far. And I just read that starting now babygirl will start doubling her weight gain!
Sleep: I'm suffering from some bad sciatica. I've been more comfortable most of the time sleeping on my sides but then have to switch to laying sitting up cuz my legs start burning.
Best Moment of the Week: Getting together with my favorites and having them see the belly :) It was some good girl time. Much needed.

Movement: So much movement. I constantly feel her all day long. Can't wait til I can tell what it is that's kicking me, like seeing a foot or whatever.
Food Cravings: Oh you know just the damn sweet tooth that I really need to watch with the dreaded test I've been hearing about that's coming up soon. vvv This is what I've been enjoying lately.. Those doughnuts were the rest of a dozen.. which I am embarrassed to say I think I ate most of the dozen.
Gender: lil Princess!
Belly Button In or Out: Stretchin out more and more
Anything making you queasy or sick?: Nope
What I miss: I'm starting to get a lil relaxed with all the restrictions, like I enjoyed a pastrami sandwich the other day that was pretty amazing..Still missing though caffeine. Lately maybe not getting enough sleep, I've been so tired.
What I'm looking forward to: My next appt. next week. It's just a regular check up but I do get to hear her lil heartbeat and hear how I'm doing.
Nursery: This weekend we're going to pick up the paint and start painting hopefully! While hubbs finishes the floors in other rooms I can start painting.
On a sidenote- Don't forget to enter to win this $25 giftcard!! There are such little entries so your chances of winning are good!! :)
Also if you find you want to sponsor while signing up for the giveaway- keep in mind that all ad spots that are still available are 50% off right now!
XoXo Rachel
Your bump is adorable! I'm 30 weeks, and I will tell you I've gained much more than 11 lbs ;-) You're doing great! Good luck with the glucose test, that is one memory I would love to not relive.
You look so cute and your bumb is adorable! girls are always a blast! i want a little girl soon!
ps now i am craving donuts
You look so cute and your bumb is adorable! girls are always a blast! i want a little girl soon!
ps now i am craving donuts
Your little bump is SO cute!!! SO excited for you :)
You look fantastic!
The Hartungs Blog
found you from the GFC blog hop! Cute bump!!
Teressa @
Your bump is so cute! I so miss being pregnant. My babies are now 8 and 5 and looking at maybe having #3 sometime soon. I found your blog off of the Hop, would love if you would stop by the Compass Rose and say hi! Have a great Tuesday.
Bonnie Rose | The Compass Rose
Thanks for co-hosting the GFC hop! ...and congratulations on your baby! I just had my son in December, and it has been the best experience of my life! :)
Congrats!!! Excited to be your newest follower!!!
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