Far Along: 28 weeks! (5-16-15)
Size of the Baby: An Eggplant.
Maternity Clothes: Thanks to my fav mama and good friend Jenn, she sent me an amazing box of summer maternity clothes! I'm wearing mixed. Most days if it's a quick outing or early enough in the day where my belly hasn't grown even more after eating all day I can still comfortably wear all my pre prego clothes.
Stretch Marks: Nothing that I've found yet.
Weight gain: +10lbs. Fun fact (for me ): I'm now at the starting weight I was at when I got pregnant with Kenzie! I don't want to jinx myself but I think at the end of this I'll have gained just about 20-25lbs. I've definitely lost motivation to work out but chasing after a crazy toddler is definitely helping me keep the weight from creepin up.

Sleep: Sleep has been great lately! I'd like to also think though that it has to do with Kenzie sleeping most of the night in her bed...She goes down a little late for me right now but she'll stay in her bed for most of the night..
Best Moment of the Week: Hitting another 'month' mark! I know I should be enjoying every second of it but boy I can't wait til she's here! I want my energy back! Oh and how could I forget?! Celebrating my 2nd Mother's Day! It was a great day spent with my babygirl (s) and my mom!
I enjoyed my first prenatal massage. It was pretty awesome! Thanks babe for my Mother's day gift!

Food Cravings: Just recently like the past 2 days.. I just want ice cream! Or frozen yogurt is what i've been going with actually.. I went to the grocery store the other night specifically to get some... I was looking in the freezers for about 20mins trying to figure out which flavor to get. (I ended up leaving with 3! oops!)
Gender: Baby Girl! Kylie Jayne!
Belly Button in or out: 1/2 way mostly an outie.
Anything making you queasy or sick?: No thank goodness. I'm pretty lucky.
What I miss: Some wine. I've finally hit the "I miss wine" phase. It probs has to do with how irritable I am I wish after a long day I can have a glass of wine and just relax. Nowadays it's get into bed and pass out as soon as Kenz does because she wears me out!
most days she's a silly happy ball of energy that likes to see how far she can go before she ends up in time out.. Then some days we get "Cranky K".

What I'm looking forward to: Memorial Day weekend is next weekend! Although I won't be able to have as much fun as the others, I'm looking forward to family time and camping and boating/tubing! Also one of my best friends is getting induced Mem. weekend and they don't know what they're having!! I can't wait to find out and meet him/her. I'm of course hoping for a girl!
Nursery: I finally started getting little things for their room. I'm talking little, like the same picture frame (her foot print, hand print and picture) that Kenzie has. Also Kylie's name decal to put on the wall under McKenzie's.
I also just bought a couple little things at Hobby Lobby to spray paint that I'll hang. But that'll probably be about it until I change the rooms around a bit.
I also just bought a couple little things at Hobby Lobby to spray paint that I'll hang. But that'll probably be about it until I change the rooms around a bit.
Emotions: I was just asking my mom.. Is there a word for prego woman that equal Bridezilla? Cuz you can probably give me that label right now. I feel bad for some people that are on my receiving end but I just have no patience these days. Ooops. Hopefully now that i'm in the third trimester I'll get a little more cheerful and not such a debbie downer.
I think I found it...

I think I found it...
1 comment:
You look beautiful! I can't wait to see their room--I LOVE what you did for Kenz; it's a perfect little girls' room. Memorial Day will be fun--pretty soon you can have a bevvy! Happy Monday Mama!
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