Far Along: 22 weeks! (4-4-15)
Size of the Baby: A Papaya
Maternity Clothes: All bottoms are still regular clothes..my size 8 shorts i'm surprised are still fitting! I start the day with them buttoned and then as the day goes on they just stay opened. Most tops are pre prego but I have a few, esp if going out that i'll wear maternity. For the most part tanks tops with cardigans are my go to.
Stretch Marks: Honestly I really haven't paid too much attention. And haven't tried to prevent. I don't think I got too many or noticeable ones last time either.
Weight gain: Well the past 4 weeks since I've last done a #bumpwatch, I've definitely noticed the increase in my appetite and I can see it on the scale as well. I started this pregnancy by losing 5lbs in the beginning. Now I'm up from that -5 to about 8lbs. Not too bad though considering i'm over 1/2 way through now.
from the front I still look a little chubby and not much prego.. oh well this tee is comfy |
Sleep: I've been able to fall asleep better but having problems with once I wake up (super early) like 4 this a.m. I cannot go back to sleep... some morning's are even earlier like 2 or 3. My sleep during those hours are so presh since some days are so exhausting with an almost 2 year old.
Best Moment of the Week: Deciding on princess's name. It was right after we had our follow up anatomy ultra sound.. They were able to get all shots this time and everything looks normal. I finally felt that connection though and it was easier to decide on her name.
Movement: Movin as we speak! It's pretty much all through out the day but mostly in the early am and also at night as we are laying in bed.
Food Cravings: Still all the sweets. And well the opposite, I've had some huge cravings for cream cheese smothered bagels.
Gender: Baby Girl! Kylie Jayne!
Belly Button in or out: 1/2 way mostly an outie.
Anything making you queasy or sick?: No thank goodness. I'm pretty lucky.
What I miss: I'm holding up pretty well. Some days I wish I could have unlimited caffeine to go with those sleepless nights but I'm trying to make my 1 spark a day stretch.
What I'm looking forward to: I have an appt this Monday, just a check up and then soon I know I have to take the glucose test.. Which after downing the drink last time and passing with flying colors I really don't understand what the fuss is about from some people. And hey i'll get 1 hour to myself haha.
Nursery: Sisters get to share a room! It'll make everything so easy too. Everything in one place! Little sister will be in our room for the first six months anyways by our bed in the rock in play which will probably be around the time Kenzie moves into a toddler bed so it'll work out perfectly. I'll just probably get a couple things here and there to tie in her lil sis' name too... ps. Still no idea on her name! update: Kylie Jayne :)
Emotions: I'm doin ok! Holding up pretty well. At times I can have very little patience but for the most part it's ok. - still the same as 4 weeks ago..Man am I a little more irritable these days...It's probably also the lack of sleep.