I’m okay let’s get that out first.
This week I would be 5 weeks along. We’ve been trying since June so I’ve been tracking it all.
About 2 weeks ago when I was supposed to begin my you know what I still hadn’t and just had a feeling I was pregnant so my girlfriend gave me an extra test she had. Once I got home from our little Halloween party playdate I took it and BAM! + | appeared. Kenz was standing right there and was laughing and clapping as I was cheering and jumping for joy. I quickly called Bob told him the good news and texted my 2 friends that were just at the party with me (and were waiting to hear). My sister came over right after I told her and then later that night I brought my little stick to surprise my mom and share the good news.

I wasn’t wasting anytime..
The next day, I went to Kaiser to take a pregnancy test there to pretty much confirm it. Afterward, I schlepped Kenzie everywhere looking for a “Sister” shirt to wear so I could reveal the news to my Dad and my Sister in law and mother in law. Bingo! Found one at Carters. So we headed to my parent’s house. Oh anndd.. I even picked up matching (4) new Christmas stockings.

“Best Sister Ever”
Well that next day, Saturday just 2 days after I was supposed to start. I did. I had also just gotten back the results from the hospital pregnancy test- Inconclusive , which the dr said maybe is because I’m so early. And I had picked up another at home pregnancy test and had just gotten another + that morning. I was so confused.
I quickly (embarrassed) started texting everyone I had already told that it was a false alarm.
At first I was just so bummed out. I just wanted to lay around and not deal with anyone. Thank goodness my mom and sister came and took Kenzie out to run some errands which gave me a little break and I got some things done around the house.
The next morning my doctor put in an order for me to go get some lab tests done. We tried out a blood pregnancy test. It felt like FOR-EVVERR waiting to find out the results. Almost 48 hrs later I heard back that it was positive but my doctor still wanted me to come in 48 hrs after the first test to really confirm. My levels should have doubled if I were pregnant.
Thursday, after taking my 2nd test on Wed.. I found out that my levels went up but not as much as my dr wanted to see… so again she recommended I go in again 48hrs after that test.
At this point we were beginning to think I had a Chemical Pregnancy. Basically my body started the process of the pregnancy but the egg didn’t attach. All the hormones started producing which explained the + tests and how exhausted I was feeling.
By Friday’s test I started to feel like a pin cushion and still had a little hope that I was pregnant.
Found out early Saturday morning that it was Negative. Tests are still showing positive levels but they aren’t going up enough if I were pregnant.
All week I had prepared myself that I wasn’t but again still was holding out to hear, “Why yes you are pregnant!”
So to completely get over it.. My sis, Kenz and I headed out to find breakfast Bloody Mary’s and then did a little damage after some retail therapy. She did need some warm clothes afterall. Girlfriend’s already a size 2t! I have a feeling she’s gonna be taller then her mommy!

I still have to go get some more tests done later this week since my levels need to go back down to zero in order for me to ovulate again.. but on the bright side, like I was reminded by my friend.. this just means God wanted me to be able to enjoy this holiday season with a little wine since the past 2 I’ve missed out..
And I get to return to my beloved Advo products ♥♥

and ps.. yay!! They’re back! Someone else is definitely happy as we just had our last Gingerbread bar from last holiday season.. I like to carry these around in my purse for when we’re on the go and we need a little quick protein fix..yumm

P.S.S. Blogging is my therapy.. thank you for listening xoxo