Monday, August 25, 2014

Motivate me. Motivate YOU

So as everyone’s getting back into the school routine.. Me? I’m getting ready for Fall! I do not want to be like I’ve always done in the past and hide under the comfy layers.. And use that as an excuse to get comfortable and relax on my eating habits. Yes I will still have some Halloween candy.. and perhaps a PSL (even though I don’t LOVE it). I will still enjoy some delish seasonal pies and cookies.. Hey it’s all about moderation.. 80/20!


Both Bob and I.. and my little sis are going to be doing a group challenge in about a month.. Plenty of time to enjoy the rest of summer and maybe a few more drinks.. cuz Summer is pretty delish with a cold beer or Margarita while boating #justsayin


I’m so excited though and ready to do this 24day challenge.. My first actual 24 day challenge. All the ones before I just did nursing approved (from my doc) products and stuck with the 24 days. I’m looking forward to doing the whole 24 day challenge bundle. I’ve also stepped up my workout game, I really enjoy it now. So with that I’m also excited to see what my challenge will look like with also getting to the gym.






And one of my favorites.. because sometimes I feel a little selfish for spending money on myself to take these amazing products and do the challenge.. But really it’s not at all. Mama’s gotta take care of herself too!




I am an independent AdvoCare distributor with the company and it is my goal to help others with achieve their health and financial goals..AdvoCare products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. AdvoCare does not endorse products for pregnant/nursing moms or any persons under the age of 18. For more information on the key benefits of our products, please visit the product pages.


Tausha Wierlo said...

Man, Presley and I are STILL nursing. Part of me wants to stop JUST so I can do the full 24dc! Isn't that horrible....You are a rockstar momma, I don't have any will power...but I keep getting bigger & bigger....

loveforlacquer said...

I need to do this & get back in gear - Thanks for posting!

Brendy Beauty said...

Love these! It helped me get all pumped up!

Unknown said...

It is defiantly all about making the lifestyle change! Plus who wants to think they are on a diet... because that's no fun. I may be vegan but that doesn't mean I only eat veggies and fruits. I have dessert every night and still eat all that yummy junk food :)

Winter White said...

Love the quote about being healthy over skinny. I dieted all my life and this finally clicked for me a year ago. I would rather feel good any day than look how society says I should. Best of luck on your healthy way of life you already have the perfect frame of mind!

FWIL Sentimental Blog Content said...

I've done the 24 day challenge three times now. It's such a great program to reset eating habits!

Taneja's Bride said...

Good luck! I love seeing people's goals. It makes me motivated for mine! <3

Stefany T said...

Good luck on this challenge to anyone involved. My health is not good enough to do it now but maybe in the future.

Laurel Wadsworth said...

I have been doing good on watching my calories but the whole exercising is hard. It feels impossible to find time. I'm going to try the mornings and see how that works!

Unknown said...

Good Luck Being healthy is something I'm working on as well.

Chelsea Olivia said...

I'm so bad at exercising regularly. It's definitely something I do in phases and I know that's not how it works!

Unknown said...

Love this! Everyone needs a little motivation!

JoAnn said...

Good luck on your challenge!

Unknown said...

Love these quotes! Good luck on your challenge, I need to get back at my fitness goals too!

Katie said...

Love all these quotes - I think people generally slip at this time in the year as they think they won't need to be in bikinis or anything. It's still important though and having a good figure in a nice winter dress makes all the difference!

Katie <3

Esther JuLee said...

good luck on your challenge! i wouldn't be able to go boating without beers. :P my husband right now is doing a no sweets september challenge.

Mama Miller said...

I need a challenge to get me going. Good for u!

Trish said...

I fully believe diets don't work long term and if someone wants to get healthy it has to be a conscious lifestyle. And I think every healthy lifestyle includes at least a little candy and cupcakes!

Anonymous said...

I find that if I approach eating healthy a little more relaxed it works better for me than to restrict stuff. And why wait? Start now !

Jenn, said...

Love these quotes! So inspiring!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the inspiration!! I need to get on board.

Unknown said...

Good Luck on your challenge! You sound so hype it's contagious. I also have decided not to "get comfy" lol and can't wait to slim up and have decided to do stuff that I enjoy and think is fun! Just so I'll look forward to it!

Girl In Beta said...

Definitely an inspiring read. I'm starting a new plan tomorrow.

Filed under: Things I Say Every Sunday

Jemma @ Celery and Cupcakes said...

Love that first quote!

Unknown said...

You are absolutely right. A lifestyle change is definitely going to have more positive long term effects as you become to believe in it. Short term weight loss stint is only going to provide short term happiness. Good luck with your challenge and looking forward to posts about how it went.

Thrifting Diva

Kristine@thefoleyfam said...

It's so awesome you are doing it together! Good luck!

Susan said...

I love all these quotes! I am huge on clean eating and think this is all so great!!

Kristyn said...

such great inspiring quotes!

Anonymous said...

I really wanted to get involved with a challenge! I need to get it together for my wedding!