That means I’ve been enjoying my babygirl the past 3 months and not really working out or making an effort to get back to pre-baby size.
Luckily since I’ve been nursing, that has helped with 30lbs that have already melted off! I gained a total of 41lbs (ringing in at.. dun dun dun.. 231lbs) so I only have 11 more to go! Of course though I wasn’t in the best of shape before I got prego and could really lose about 20-25lbs more. I’m tall so luckily the weight is distributed all over (mostly in my butt and hips, just sayin’) but yes, I really could stand to lose that much weight. I was 150 in high school and since I started dating my hubbs and still about 5’10 so that just told you pretty much how much I weigh now (ughh).
Of course this is hubbs favorite pic of me.. This is about 150-160lbs. Where I’d like to get back to.
And here’s today.. (or more like a few weeks ago) at about 208lbs.

I’m hearing all about Advocare lately and missed the chance over the summer when a bunch of people were doing the 24 day Challenge (‘cuz I was prego) so I asked around and here is an approved by my doc “24 Day Challenge” for Breastfeeding and even Pregnant woman! (of course you should run it by your doctor first).
Not only do I want to lose weight but both Bob and I just this past weekend were talking about how we just want to get healthy and be healthy now that we have our babygirl to live for and be role models for her too.
Soo since I wanted to start the challenge I thought “Hey let’s make it like a contest/challenge! Maybe others want to do it with me?!”
I was thinking if you’re like me you may need more motivation like maybe an incentive?
The person that loses the most inches & weight wins a box of Spark in their choice of flavor!
~Cherry ~Citrus ~Fruit Punch ~Grape ~Mango-Strawberry ~Mandarin Orange ~Pink Lemonade ~Watermelon
I had a sample of the Spark energy drink mix and loved it so got another box! The Watermelon is my fav so far but I heard the Pink Lemonade is delish!
Ok.. so I still have to order my stuff so won’t be starting probably for another couple weeks, like mid- September.. If you are interested let me know, comment below or send me an email:
I really hope some of you do it with me haha I need other people to push me.. we can motivate each other! This is not just a challenge for nursing mamas but for everyone by the way! I have much more info on the challenge that I can send to you too like detailed suggested meals!
XoXo Rachel
I think I'm doing this. You da best!!!
Woo hoo!! You go momma! And I think this is the perfect time to start. I started exercising at the 6 week mark but I don't think my body really started to be affected by it until around 3 months. It just gets better from here!
So proud of you! CHAMPION!
You're gonna do SO amazing. Just think of what a great role model you are for M already!! Way to go mama. Your team supports you 110%!!! Go girl!!
Lucky me I ran across your site by chance
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