Lots to update during this week mostly because I had a dr. appt.

I had to see a therapist- you can read about that here.
And I had to take the dreaded glucose test. Wasn't actually too bad- I kinda thought it tasted good! Just a lil too sweet at the bottom but not bad. Annnd.. I passed! Yay! I of course went the next day to get a Shamrock Shake to celebrate..
Now for a lil 25 week update-
How far along: 25 weeks (3/8)
Size of the Baby: She is the size of a zucchini, about a 14" long and 1.5lbs!
Maternity Clothes: In maternity bottoms and wearing both normal and maternity tops.. Not buying anymore, trying to fight all the urges of the cute Spring clothes I'm seeing are coming out.. Only thing to get that I'm looking for is something to wear for my baby shower!
I'm thinking this or this.. watcha think?
Stretch Marks: None yet. Rash has died down A LOT thank god! I've been taking benedryl pretty much every night and then applying lots of lotion every morning and night so I think this has prevented me from being itchy.. The rash only pops up when i'm itching..
Weight gain: +13lbs total so far. Right on track according to lots I'm reading. Although my max to gain for my size was 15-20 so we'll see. I've now also accepted that I probably will go over that but as long as I keep working out and my babygirl is healthy- that's all that matters!
Sleep: The benedryl has been a nice touch for my sleep. I still get up a couple times to pee and flip from side to side to sitting up but not that uncomfortable.
Best Moment of the Week: Having baby sis feel Kenzie girl kick her auntie back for the first time. She was home all last weekend trying but always just missed it, until finally. I think someone was happy that I was eating pizza!
Movement: The lil jabs and somersaults are getting stronger! Still not hurting yet, but I like just sitting in bed with my shirt up and watching my stomach- watching her go. It's crazy.
Food Cravings: It was banana bread and then randomly I'm loving Pina Coladas right now. I've gone a couple times to Taco Bell for their Pina Colada freeze, just last night I had to get a Pina Colada smoothie..

Gender: lil Princess!
Belly Button In or Out: Slowly comin out
Anything making you queasy or sick?: Nope
What I miss: You know what I really need and miss?! Getting my back cracked! While my sis was home (she does it the best) I really wanted to lay on the floor and have her crack my back- she refused!
What I'm looking forward to: Oh I dunno- time is flying right now and there's so much to get done at the house! I guess I'm looking forward to having hubbs finish one last project before I can start painting!
Nursery: Still not much done to the actual room, but I did start spray painting some baskets I had and the glider I got handed down. Still can't decide on what shade of gray I want the room so I need to go look some more..
I'm heading into the end of my 2nd trimester and starting to feel it.. Losing energy and a smaller bladder/stomach for sure! We're countin down and getting nervous! Baby McKenzie will be here sooner than we know it!
P.S. I've moved to Bloglovin'
XoXo Rachel
You look great!! I don't blame you for getting yourself some Taco Bell treats :)
You look so great! I loved this stage of pregnancy. Treasure every little kick & jab! :)
-- Emily @ runninglikeamother.com
You look great!! And I'm loving both dresses :)
Looking great! I love the pink and white dress.
i love both of the dresses! i think my favorite is the one i the right! and following you on bloglovin!
Your belly is absolutely adorable!
I didn't think the glucose test was too bad either! And I like the pink and white one! PS We miss you!
Oh I love both of those dresses!! I have to say though, whenever I try on the 'high-low' dresses, I don't like them on myself. Maybe I'm just weird because I like them on everyone else. How exciting!! Time will really start to fly, then slow right.down. :)
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