Size of the Baby: She is the size of a papaya, almost a foot long and 12-20 oz!
Maternity Clothes: Took advantage of my sisters discount with Old Navy. Ordered some maxi skirts and I'm getting set for this Spring/Summer!
Stretch Marks: Nope, and just heard from my mom that she didn't really develop any stretch marks with any of us.. so we shall see!
Weight gain: +11lbs total so far. And I just read that starting now babygirl will start doubling her weight gain..
Sleep: This week has sucked sleep wise. I'm just never comfortable. Constantly waking up to adjust or I have a dog that rolled behind me.. I swear they're tiny but take up so much space.
Best Moment of the Week: Starting her baby quilt. I'll do a post on that soon!
Movement: So much movement. I constantly feel her all day long.
Food Cravings: Nothing this week really. Although the new thing I've noticed is everytime I eat any meat I get heart burn now.
Gender: lil Princess!
Belly Button In or Out: Stretchin out more and more
Anything making you queasy or sick?: Nope
What I miss: Just miss being able to not have to worry about everything you can't or shouldn't have while prego.
What I'm looking forward to: Tax money coming so I can start the nursery! Is it weird that i'm most looking forward to going to the fabric store as my first stop after that check comes?!
Nursery: Starting to pick up lil things here and there. Like a rug and this egg thing someone at work recommended I get. It determines the temp of the Baby's room and will let you know by changing colors whether it's too warm or cold. Cool right?