EATING: You are an amazing little eater! I don’t really keep track of how often you’re eating since you’ll just let me know when you’re hungry. We’ve tried a few bottles and sometimes you’ll take em but the last time when Grandma had you all day long you held out and would not take it from her. You went over 8 hours without it! Little Stinker. But..I’d say you look healthy, little chunky butt.
SLEEPING: You love sleep! And on your own (well with the help of your binky), thank goodness! Your sister at this age would only fall asleep with a lot off cuddling. You sleep great at night.. You have to be in bed about 8pm or else you’ll make sure we know you’re tired… Mostly waking up about 3 or 4 to eat and then sometimes you’ll be up for a little bit but usually I change you, wrap you back up in your blanket and place you next to me in the rock ‘n play and you’ll pass back out. I’ve been less consistent with swaddling and you seem to be doing ok.
During the day you sleep in your swing, your pack ‘n play and sometimes I’ll try to hide you in the room in your rock ‘n play because the dogs and your sister are loud and easily wake you up.
CLOTHING: You’ve been wearing a lot of 6months clothes since it’s getting pretty chilly. Most of your 3 months pieces are more Summer wear…And you’re pushing size 9months for sleepers since you’ve got some pretty long legs.. and big feet! Also we’re loving your cousin Ruby’s hand me downs- you have so many clothes sometimes we only wear something once before I realize it’s too small for the next time!!
Weight: You’re about 14lbs
Height: Not too sure.. long though that’s for sure!
Head size: Not sure!
Hair: Still dark blonde/brown..
Eyes: Dark baby blues
♥How chill you are. Just chilling with daddy. Whenever he’s home..we kind of just do a lot of this.
♥ How you look at your Grandpa! You’re always smiling at him.
♥ I cannot get enough pictures of my husband and his girls. Melts my heart.

♥ Your monkey toes!

♥ We went to Shaelynn’s costume birthday party. You went as a little A’s baby.

♥ You’ve discovered your hands and the tv.

♥ Your first wedding. Leslie Hague and JP...Again looking at Papa.

I just love you my Angel babe.