Hola! For Valentine's day we gifted each other a new laptop..Know what that means?! Mama can finally blog again! I tried a couple of posts from my phone and it was just too painful and took forever so..it's mid-February and I have a lot of photos and stories to catch up on!
Let me just say sorry for the randomness that's about to be thrown at you.. There are so many that I can't leave out!
Let's start with Decemeber-
- my sis and I did a Color Run (a few days after I pinched a nerve in my neck- seriously the WORST pain in my life!) I was so hesitant to cancel but I'm glad I didn't! I think the adrenaline and Tylenol with codeine kicked in and I actually ran most of it! It was a blast! This Color Run was only a 5K but through Six Flag's Discovery Kingdom and the zoo had most of the animals out to say hi or for photos. Most of inside the park we walked and looked at the animals.
We did it!
- We went to a holiday story time <3
And afterward's was picture's with Santa... She was clearly not having it. We walked in and no one was there thank goodness, because I felt a little bad for forcing my child to sit there terrified and take the picture.
After it was cute, there were little props and little photo ops around the room so of course I tried to get some of my own.. You can see her keeping her eye on Santa the entire time.. and then even said goodbye to him when he left for a break.
- Soon after was Kenzie's 2nd Christmas! We can still get away without going cray on presents. I mean this kid already has a TON of toys/books/clothes so we just got her a few little things and then her big gift from "Santa" was the little quad. Which currently resides in the spare room and never gets played with because the dogs go cray which drive me cray..
We had Christmas Eve at my Mother in Laws, and then Christmas morning opening presents at our house and after headed over to my parent's for brunch. It was pretty nice to just have a relaxing Christmas day.. All of our celebrating was over by 1pm, but it kinda left us a little bored and not knowing what to do with the rest of our day!
And seriously the only picture we got on Christmas day?! I'll have to do some picture stalking and see if anyone got any pictures! It was fun though to finally share with everyone our news of the best little Christmas present we got!
- Then just some little family shenanigans..
Always stealing Mom's cup
-And starting off the new year we just went to a friend's house not too far from us. It was a small little party, the kids were running everywhere and us adults were playing Cards Against Humanity.. Seriously the funniest game EVER! And dirtiest but it was so perfect for this group. And it was even more fun because we're all kinda new friends so it was interesting to see all of our personalities with this game. FYI you will not want to play it with your parent's ;)
- We also celebrated Grandma's birthday!
- My poor little got her first cold of the new year.
and then was all good the next day and wanting to take pictures.. she says.. "Cheeeee" whenever I say "let's take a picture!"
- I just love this picture. This face and waking up to it - most mornings.. Not gonna pretend like Co-sleeping is all fun and games.. I often am getting kicked throughout the night.. But then when I wake up to this happy little bright eyed babe I just can't resist the next night. My weakness.

- Daddy won his first tournament of the year!
- At the end of January we went down to So Cal for an
AdvoCare event. I had a blast and really learned a lot. I left inspired and motivated! We also went with my mom and sisters to Disneyland the next day which will call for it's own separate post.
It was pretty awesome to hear from some of our unpaid endorsers who just simply love AdvoCare products. This was Philadelphia Eagles QB Nick Fole's.
This guy was such a good sport. He HATES crowds. And already sees this whole Advocare thing as "my deal", but it meant a lot to me for him to go with me to this.

And our little group that went. I'm so pumped my friend since elementary is on this journey with me and see's the amazing opportunity we have with
AdvoCare. I was so proud that she was able to figure everything out and make the drive down. We also met Sam from our team (who flew in from Hawaii!)
Here's us modeling my sister's roommates shirts off. Check out his awesome
company btw!
Stay tuned for seeing the magic of Disneyland through a 19months old's eyes! ;) I thought Disneyland was my favorite place... well now I totally love it even more now, in a different way.