Not much has changed in the past few weeks.. I'm currently 39 weeks and 3 days.. just
impatiently waiting for Miss M to make her appearance.
June is a busy month for us and we're just looking to add one more date to this month!
Since my last bump update we've celebrated our 2nd wedding anniversary and my 26th birthday and Father's Day!
::38 weeks- All the morning/day of my 26th bday .. What can I say birthdays are just not as fun or exciting when you're pregnant.. or SUPER pregnant! Plus this day was one of the hottest days we've had so far so I spent only about an hour or two outside swimming with my loves.. (ps- I tried for this shot one too many times.. love how you can see Bob and Nilla in my glasses..Oreo hates swimming so he was laying poolside with me..)::

::38 weeks - birthday dinner. Hibachi and some delish mochi ice cream and 2 of my favorite girls::
How Far Along: 38 & 39 weeks (6/7 & 6/14)
Here's my 39 week (2days) bump shot-
Size Of Baby: She is now the size of a Watermelon! Measuring from 18-22" long and about 6.2- 9.2lbs
Maternity Clothes: Skirts, skirts and more skirts! It's what i'm most comfy in (all non maternity though).. Or since I've been home now, on my 3rd week I'm mostly living in my little shorts and tank tops.
Weight Gain: Up +41lbs
Stretch Marks: Yes.. I still can't see them under my belly but mom and my sister pointed them out! Also i've noticed now that I definitely have stretch marks from my belly button piercing stretching..
Sleep: I'm sleeping good.. just uncomfortable. I can't wait until I can sleep without the lil twinges of pain or discomfort everytime I change positions..
Best Moment of the Week: Hmm lots of good moments in these 2 weeks.. Besides the obvious hilights like our anniversary or my birthday, I love my weekly appointments. Just getting to hear babies heartbeat and finding out if I'm more dialated or not. (Still 1cm at my last weeks appt). Doc offered to strip my membranes since I was soon to be 39weeks.. And I sorta panicked and turned it down.. I was not ready to have a baby that weekend! haha.. But.. I am definitely looking forward? kinda awkward to say as this is a super awkward lil procedure to having it done at my appt this week.. hopefully it'll help her come out this weekend!
Movement: Yes and even more and more movement down in my lower nether regions.. it's so weird to feel her wiggling around down there!
Cravings: Still fruit! Mostly watermelon!
Gender: Girl!
Belly Button In or Out: Outie! Definitely popped out through my shirt.
Wedding Ring on or Off: Everything off!
Anything Making You Queasy or Sick: Nope
What I Miss: Ohh as hopefully this is my last bump update.. I just miss it all.. Getting very excited to meet my lil girl!
What I am Looking Forward to: I guess our appt this Thursday. It's a day before my due date but anything to get her here soon! Hopefully this means babytime by this weekend!
Labor Signs: None yet!
Symptoms: Nothing new.. just cramping but doc said that that's just usually discomfort.. not contractions like I thought it could be. Also every lil movement or cramp I feel my stomach sink cuz I get nervous and think this could be it!
Nursery: Still just need to put up a couple shelves..this WILL get done either today or tomorrow and then I can't wait to show off her room!
Emotions: I've been totally fine these past 2 weeks.. I got a lil depressed the morning of my bday..still not really sure why? I turned it around by going outside and spending it in the sun and then dinner with my family! Other than that I'm just anxious I guess to get this pregnancy adventure over with and begin the next chapter in our lives!
::39 weeks - Father's Day with my Dad and hubbs..and practicing all ways of operation get McKenzie out!::
Stay tuned for hopefully an announcement rather than another bump update!
XoXo Rachel