Friday, May 10, 2013

33 week Bump Update

How Far Along33 weeks (5/3) -above pic is actually 33w5d

Size Of Baby: what the hell is that?! >>

Maternity Clotheshaven't even though about wearing my mat. jeans lately since it's been so hot out so i'm basically living in normal clothes (skirts and dresses) and a few maternity tops..

Weight Gaini weighed in this morning at my 33 week check up (dr. was out of town during my 32 week) at an even +30lbs.. ok i thought about telling you how much i weighed but maybe i'll spare myself the humiliation for now.. ;)

Stretch Marks: Still nothing..but i did think i saw something until i realized it was a scratch

Sleep:  Well i am feeling HUGE- like my stomach is up to my boobs so sleeping sitting up isn't so comfy anymore.. and i've been having bouts of #pregoinsomnia.. i can't fall asleep when it's bed time (10pm) and then i wake up to pee and can't fall back asleep.. 

Best Moment of the Week:  getting to hear babygirl's healthy heart beat and hearing that she's already head down and next appt we'll get to take a look at her with an ultra sound! Also getting to go watch my baby sis graduate college! #soproud #futureteacher

Movement: i've been laggin on my kick count card because she's so active but i noticed she's calming down more.. sleeping more.. but still REALLY active when she's awake!

Cravingsi noticed i've been loving pastries and needing that dessert treat everyday.. like i bought a pack of muffins from the grocery bakery and bob hasn't had 1.. there's 1 left.. and it hasn't even been 1/2 the week!

Gender: Baby Girl ! McKenzie Rose!

Belly Button In or Outi noticed the other day when i was watchin tv..when i exhale it pops out a lil.. inhale it goes back in.. ;) the most part it's still an innie but very stretched

Wedding Ring on or OffI took em both off this week :(.. feel naked and have a nice tan line but it's just been so warm i didn't want to risk anything.

Anything Making You Queasy or Sick: I did start feeling a lil quesy this week but i think it's just from my stomach being so full or the fact that my stomach is getting squished and is up in my boobs

What I Miss: not feeling so uncomfortable! I'm even having trouble breathing sometimes.. 

What I am Looking Forward toMy 36week appt cuz we get to see her on the big little screen!

Labor SignsFound out that those feelings i just started having like when bending over or making the bed the other day were most likely braxton hick contractions.. I guess i have had them before and just thought I was feeling her butt up against me or something.. 

Symptoms: I haven't noticed my feet swelling yet but they are oh so sore.. especially after our busy weekend, I was on my feet alot  and they just hurt! Even getting a pedi didn't really help.. 

Nurseryi've been told over and over to get off his case- it's happening, he's finishing this week.. we'll see about that..

Emotions: well my cry baby side has come out again..i was balling before Sammy even sat down at the graduation.. That pomp n circumstance shit is terrible! gets me everytime!

XoXo Rachel


Sarah said...

You are definitely in the home stretch now! Almost time to meet that sweet baby!

Kace said...

You are getting so close...although I'm sure it doesn't feel like it. I'm glad you didn't know what that thing was (size of baby) either because I was feeling dumb for a second. Lookin' good, Mama!

Shelley said...

The last stretch is the hardest! Hang in there, you look great!